Barnacle Chain
While human’s print on the ocean is largely negative, nature’s resilience is pure wonder. The sea reminds us of the balance between soft and unweilding, between tamed and ferocious. Water gently washing agsinst the underside of a watercraft is the same water capable of capsizing of a boat.
While pouring over underwater wreck photography, the second life of a sunken ship inspired this painting. I began with brush work, creating areas of current and areas of calm within a blue background. Next I developed four interlocking rings using pallet knives and metal leaf, then with sandpaper and water treatments I submerged the chain into its environment. Last came the barnacles.
Each barnacle is handmade, deliberately colored, sculpted and placed. Though individual barnacles are uniquely beautiful, they communicate as a collective, building shape and direction together.
I love the way the barnacles reach brightly across this painting, while the sturdy construction of the chain fades gracefully into the background. As an artistic work, this painting is a strong communicator. It represents an ideal balance - one where the ocean’s brilliance can outshine man’s encroaching presence. I approached this composition with a lot of heart and in the end I’m happy to see that a lot of it was left there.
Original artwork is on gallery-wrapped cotton canvas. Acrylic paint, additives, metal leaf, and recycled material are protected with a varnish coating. Artist’s signature is bottom right.
With all artwork, packaging receives the utmost care, involving layers of waterproofing, protective padding and reinforcement. The barnacle series will require additional attention and planning. Shipping options are provided based on client location, timing and preference. Typically, artwork ships free within mainland USA; artwork ships with discounted rates to Canada; artist will work with international buyers for best delivery system.
$12,600.00 | 48 x 60 inches
Please contact artist with any inquiries.